Do you want to open a spa or spa area in your beauty salon? Every detail counts, because your customers will come to relax and have an unforgettable time. You must therefore pay attention to all the elements of your layout in order to offer an incomparable customer experience. Malys Équipements, your leading supplier of beauty furniture, offers you here some tips for successfulDevelopment of your spa.
The SPA Universe
First of all, you have to imagine yourselfthe universein which you want to plunge your customers into yourspa.He must be in harmony with your personality but also to his environment: theexpectations of your customersAnd the neighborhood where you are installed.You must then favor athemeWith which you want to be in adequacy: water, nature, exoticism or even the Zen spirit.You will be able to modulate the layout of your spa according to yourbrand image.It is very important to offer a universe completely in accordance with the image you want to give.Otherwise, your future customers will feel lost and will not understand what they are doing here.

The water
It's proven,the waterhas a very great benefit on the human body.More and more care is offered from water torehydrate in depthskin and organs. Many solutions can be studied such as a swimming pool, hammam, sauna, jet or whirlpool bathtub, shower cabin with a massage head, algae-based wraps, etc. Depending on your budget you can choose the solutions that suit you.
The lights
About thelighting, it is best to choose aindirect lightwith brightness dimmers for lighting adapted to the situation. Your clients come to relax, too direct, too strong or too white light can attack your client and they will find themselves in an uncomfortable position, particularly in treatment rooms and rest rooms.
You can chooseSummated lightsin warm tones or with lampshades that opaque your lighting to immerse them in a world of absolute relaxation.

To the playlist
The work of5 sensin a spa is an important element, which is why the music must be in accordance with your space. You can find numerous music distribution platforms that allow you toCreate your own playlists.You can even create according to each room a new playlist: Zen for relaxation, rhythmic for dynamic massages, ...
The philosophy
Take care of your client!This can go through various full services to offer the program that best suits each person: global programs, Check-up-beauty or well-being, ... By doing this, you will be able to retain your customers by offering reminders over several monthsTo continue a care.Your customers will have the impression that you are attentive to them.On the other hand, do not be too insistent, it could be lacking and bring a negative image.
The care card
The names of your care, the description, that's when you dodreamand that youSell your care.This exercise may seem insignificant but it is very important foryour sales.Take time to concoct your card: titles and descriptions must be chosen with meticulousness.You can makereferencesto your universe:
You are moving towards a Zen universe, why not recall names of mystical places
Your universe is rather based on elements of nature, you can use forest names, lakes or mountains,
You want to travel your customers to your spa, the names of countries or places in the world will be perfect
Choose thelaundryFrom your spa: bathrobes, slippers and bath towels should be very pleasant.Customers will feel wrapped in a cloud of sweetness.In addition, put a point of honor to the cleanliness of your laundry.
Offer treatment samples or hand cream, hot drinks or offer heated massage tables, warm towels placed on the face, ... These little touches will not go unnoticed in the eyes of your clienteles.They will do yourreputationAnd customers will talk about you around them, theword of mouthis a significant means of communication in a competed environment.
Relaxation space
Keeping out of sight, this space is a time when the customer finds himself, benefits and discusses.A sofa, books, drinks available, a few brochures and he will feel peaceful because he can enjoy amoment uniquefor him.
The scents
As we have seen previously, the 5 senses are in the spotlight in a spa.THEscentsmust be an integral part of your place.Ambient diffusers, perfumes, candles, are assets.In addition, if he finds this smell elsewhere, he will immediately immerse himself in your place and will be more inclined to return to you.Be carefulDo not put a too present smellWho could come to bother them and spend an unpleasant moment.

Spa clientele is very demanding today, which is why reconciling thepatient care, l'Efficiency of your servicesas well as thewell-being, are necessary for your business to be a success.Nothing should be overlooked to attract and bring the consumer back.In this highly competed environment, you must offer aIt offers originalwhich meets the expectations of your customers.Of thenew trendsEmerging every day in the aesthetics, which is why you must always be alert to these new features and offer those that could open new doors to you.