Are you about to develop, furnish and decorate your beauty salon but you do not know which atmosphere do you want to bring to your cabins?Zen, energetic, or Cocooning atmosphere, aMultitude of choicesoffer yourself to you.First of all, it is obvious that the decoration of your aesthetic cabin should look like you.However, please note that a person's first impression is made in90 seconds.It is therefore important that the development is neat andcorresponds to the offer of services and products offered.Here are some tips to help you develop your beauty institute cabin.
The atmosphere, the element not to be overlooked
It is very important to choosethe atmospherethat you want to bring to your beauty salon and your cabins.It must be in accordance with what you offer as a service.If you offer body and face treatments, we recommend orient yourself towards a cabin decoration Institut de Beauté with a natural or cocooning atmosphere.If you intend more to hair removal, you can go on a more pep atmosphere to bring vitality.If you choose to do several services: body and face care, hair removal, thinning, beauty of the gaze, ... you can doAn atmosphere by cabin.
When this choice is made, it is absolutely necessary to keep it in mind to grant each element: furniture, development and decoration in this spirit.The customer must immediately understand what you offer.

The colors will fix yourambianceetthe atmosphereof your cabin.The choice of color is essential because you will trigger aemotionwith the customer.As we said previously, the future customer puts 90 seconds to make a first impression.If the colors are chosen with meticulousness and they correspond to what they are looking for, you will make a good impression.Here is a little overview of color meanings
Red: symbolizes love and sensuality.It brings a lot of dynamics to space.But it must be used sparingly because it also represents anger and ban.For example, this color can be used intouch.
Yellow: positive and invigorating color, it represents the sun.Yellow pushes intellectual reflection.This color is stimulating for the nervous system, so it is notnot recommended for relaxation.
Brown: warm and welcoming color, the brown is ideal for parts that need heat.It is associated with nature and exoticism.It is ideal for anatural atmosphere.This color also fits perfectly into acozy decorationBecause it brings comfort.However, do not paint all your brown walls, the atmosphere will be heavy.It is recommended not to use it as a dominant color of your cabin.
Blue: favorite color of the French, it leads to reverie, to freshness but also is synonymous with technology.This relaxing color is interesting for cabins where you will practice atechnologyparticular.
Green: color of nature, luck and hope, this color is ideal for cabins with a natural atmosphere to immerse your client in the heart of nature. These different shades allow it to adapt to different rooms. In addition, it creates areassuring, comfortable and relaxing atmosphere.Beware of dark green, it gives the impression of reducing the volume of the part.
Violet: purple is the color of meditation and relaxation.If you offerrelaxing care, this color is ideal!
White, gray and beige: light colors are often associated withCocooning Institute.You can put different elements in neutral or clear colors to create a cozy nest.
The brightness of your cabin
Inaesthetics, brightness has an important role in the well-being of your client and also in the delivery of the service. It is obvious that the brightness in a beauty salon for hair removal is very different from the brightness in a spa cabin. For the latter, aSoft and sifted lighttends to the relaxation of the person who receives care.Curtains or sheers can be added to the windows to regulate the intensity of the light in the room.As for inner light, a drive can be installed to adjust its intensity.
For thehair removal cabins, you're going to need to see clearly. You can therefore putstandard lightsRather white.If you find that this is not enough you can also add a magnifying lamp.

Make room
We recommend that you do notnot overloadyour beauty salon cabin. By choosing to ventilate your space, the customer will have less information to observe and will feel more comfortable. Low and small furniture will allow you to organize your cabin without loading it up. However, for the treatment table or chair, it is important to choose aRobust furnitureand thatmeets your expectations.You can find all our massage tables et Care armchairs on our website.
The final touch
To finalize the decoration of your beauty salon, you can add many small details that will make the difference!Water fountain, musical background, candles, plants, ... can be as many possible ideas to perfect your atmosphere and your decoration.To find inspiration, you can use Pinterest who is a bigsource d'inspirationFor the development of his beauty institute, doing research for example: ".

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