Buyer Guide 2023
How do I choose the best hairdressing chair for my salon?
Thehairdressing chairis essential equipment in everythinghair salon.Not only should he becomfortable for the customer, but it must also offer great functionality and facilitate the work of thehairdresser.It is therefore important to choose aprofessional hairdressing chairof superior quality that meets your needs and those of your customers.
Top 10 hairdressing chairs with the best value for money
1. Choose a comfortable hairdressing chair for your living room
If you own a hair salon, you know that one of the most important elements for the satisfaction of your customers is their comfort.And for that, it is crucial to choose a comfortable hairdressing chair who will meet their needs.
Here are some tips for Choose a comfortable hairdressing chair :
- Consider the size of the chair : Les hairdressing armchairs&Nbsp; must be large enough for all customers to feel comfortable.Too small armchairs can be uncomfortable for larger customers, while too large armchairs may seem disproportionate and uncomfortable for smaller customers.
- Check the padding : Padding is crucial for the armchair comfort.THE hairdressing armchairs&Nbsp; must be well padded to provide sufficient support to customers, while being soft enough not to be uncomfortable.
- Check The armrests&Nbsp;: The armrests must be wide enough and padded so that customers can use them comfortably.Poorly designed armrests can cause pain in the arms and shoulders, which can make customer experience very unpleasant.
- Choose a Adjustable armchair : Les hairdressing armchairs&Nbsp; must be adjustable to adapt to the size and shape of each customer.THE adjustable armchairs&Nbsp; allow customers to find the most comfortable position for them, which is crucial for their satisfaction.

2. the advantages of sustainable hairdressing armchairs for your living room
When you chooseFurniture for your hair salon, thesustainabilitymust be one of your main concerns.THEhairdressing armchairsmust be enoughrobustto withstand intensive daily use, while remainingcomfortableFor your customers.
Here are some reasons why it is important to chooseSustainable hairdressing armchairs:
- Long-term savings: AlthoughSustainable hairdressing armchairsmay be more expensive to purchase, they are a profitable investment in the long term. Lower quality chairs are more likely to deteriorate quickly, meaning you'll need to replace them more often. THESustainable hairdressing armchairscan last years, allowing you to save long -term money.
- Less disturbances:hairdressing armchairslower quality can break or tear easily, which can disrupt customers and harm your living room.THESustainable hairdressing armchairsare designed forwithstand intensive use, meaning they are less likely to degrade and disrupt your business.
- Respect for the environment:Sustainable hairdressing armchairsare equallyBest for the environment.The lower quality armchairs are often thrown into the trash after a short use, which can cause an accumulation of unnecessary waste.THESustainable hairdressing armchairsare designed to last, which means that they should not be replaced as often,thus reducing waste.
- Customer satisfaction:Sustainable hairdressing armchairscan also contribute to thecustomer satisfaction.Customers will appreciate the attention you pay to the quality and sustainability of your furniture.THESustainable hairdressing armchairscan also bemore comfortableand safer, which contributes to amore pleasant hairstyle experienceFor your customers.
In summary,Sustainable hairdressing armchairsoffermany advantagesfor your business and for the environment.Taking into account theconstruction quality, thesustainabilityand thecustomer satisfaction, you can choose hairdressing armchairs that offer thebest quality price reportand that will last years.
3. the advantages of a functional hairdressing chair for your living room
TheChoice of the right hairdressing chairis crucial for yourhair salon.Not only do you want the armchair to beComfortable for your customers, but you also want him to befunctional for you and your staff.
Here are some advantages of a functional hair chair:
- Height adjustment: Onehairdressing chair with height adjustment functionallows you to easilyAdjust the client's positionfor amaximum comfortDuring hair styling and washing.This is particularly important if you have customers of different sizes.
- 360 degree swivel: Onehairdressing chair that rotates 360 degreesAllows your hairdresser to work on your customers' hair from different angles, for easier and more efficient styling.
- Adjustable footrest: aAdjustable footrestis essential for thecomfort of your customersduring long styling sessions. AHairdressing armchair with adjustable footrestalso allows your hairdresser toFind the ideal working positionTo avoid fatigue and back pain.
- Load seat:A reclining seatCan be very useful for customers who prefer to lie down during hairdressing services.It can also be practical for hair washing services.
- Integrated storage: aFunctional hairdressing chaircan also includeIntegrated storage elements, such as towel racks or tool holders, which can facilitate the organization of your workspace.
In summary, aFunctional hairdressing chaircan facilitate the work of your hairdressers,Offer optimal comfort to your customersand help keep your hair salon organized. By choosing aHairdressing armchair with appropriate features, you can improve your overall salon experience for your customers and staff.

4.&Nbsp; how to choose the perfect style for your hair chair?
When you look forBuy a hairdressing chairFor your living room, it is important tochoose a stylesuitable forambiance of your living roomand that responds toneeds of your customers.
Here are some tips to help you choose thePerfect style for your hairdressing chair:
- Take into account theambiance of your living room: If yourhair salonhas a particular theme or style, it is important that yourhairdressing chairEither in harmony with this atmosphere.For example, if your living room has aambiance chicand modern, you can opt for ahairdressing chairWith clean lines and elegant materials.
- Consider the needs of your customers: if your customers are mainly made up of the elderly, it is important to choose ahairdressing chairwhich provides sufficient lumbar support andcomfortable seatfor long hairdressing sessions. If your clientele is younger, you can opt for amore modern and trendy style.
- Think of functionality: thestyle of your hair chairmust also respond tofunctional needsFrom your hair salon.Make sure yourHairdressing chair is easy to useand that it offers the necessary features to facilitate the work of your hairdressers.
- Don’t overlook comfort: While style is important, comfort is also essential for your customers. Choose oneHairdressing armchair with comfortable paddingand sufficient lumbar support to offer aPleasant hairstyle experienceand comfortable for your customers.
- Do not forget sustainability: finally, make sure yourhairdressing chairis made withSuperior quality materialspourGuarantee its durability.Hairdressing armchairs are often used several times a day, so it is important that they are built to last.
By following these tips, you canChoose the perfect style for your hairdressing chairthat will respond toneeds of your hair salon, your staff and your customers.In the end, theChoice of style of your hair chairis a key element forCreate a coherent and professional atmospherein yourhair salon.
And why not a barber chair?
For ahair salonrather oriented towards women, it can be difficult to want to add abarbed armchair.However, this one is very practical!You can accommodate men and make their cuts, install children, place a client where the wicks are posing and thus release a styling position for someone else, ... more, the vintage barber chairs &Nbsp; are welcome because they plunge customers in another time.Isn't a client looking for when he comes to the hairdresser?A break to take care of yourself in their lively life.
If you have enough space, do not skimp on the barber chair that could serve you much more than you think.

Choose Malys equipment
You can contact us to benefit from personalized advice on 05 32 62 96 60 between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. without interruption. Our teams are at your disposal to understand and analyze your needs in order to offer you a solution adapted to your hair salon.
All our products are designed to adapt to the needs of companies in the sector of coiffure, of l'aesthetic A you medical offering a wide range of furniture and accessories. Malys has chosen e-commerce to offer competitive prices on each piece of furniture. We offer delivery from € 99 purchase everywhere in mainland France.We deliver everywhere in Europe and in the rest of the world.To do this, do not hesitate to contact us to know the terms.By choosing Malys equipment, you opt for hairdressing furniture with an incomparable quality/price ratio!