In a hair salon, customers find that it is always more pleasant to listen to music when they are style.Indeed, music has an important role in hairdressing salons because it brings a warm moment while reducing stress.So you want to put music in your hair salon but you wonder how to choose it and how to spread it?There are manyPaid and free solutionsin order to broadcast music legally.
Pay the SACEM royalty to broadcast music in your hair salon
When you broadcast music in apublic placeLike a hair salon, you have to pay aSACEM royalty(Society of authors, composers and music publishers).The mission of this cooperative is to defend and protect copyright, in particular by charging a tax to anyone who disseminates music in a public place.If you want to broadcast music by CD, video accommodation site, radio, paid or free streaming flow, downloaded mp3 you must pay the Sacem a fee under the title ofrepresentation lawwho comes to pay the authors.Note that as a function of the genre of the device, the royalty will be revalued, such as if you broadcast via a radio or a television without an additional speaker or if you broadcast via a device with an additional speaker.
Thanks to this tax, you have access to broadcastingall the musicAnd all the styles you want!A significant advantage because you can recall the universe of your living room even even in the background.

The alternative to SACEM: free law music
ManyInternet radiosoffer playlists ofFree law music.You can legally broadcast music in your hair salon.In these radios, you will discover that music whose artists not referenced their music to the Sacem.Here are radios that offer free law music:
WebRadio Store : From € 2.99 per month, go to a wide choice of right -free music among 16 playlists updated regularly.The prices are offered according to the size of the space to be sounded.
Dogmazic : Discover among the 55,000 music titles of Dogmazic, the music you like by downloading the free broadcast licenses.
Jamendo : Take advantage of 2 free weeks to discover all the playlists depending on the styles and places on Jamendo.Indeed, on this platform you can search according to the style you want and according to the distribution places.This feature is very practical and you will not spend hours finding the ideal playlist.
Music Abydos : Find on the radios offered, the style that suits you: Lounge Bar, Tonic, Zenitude or Mix to adapt to your hair salon.Prices start from only € 2.90 per month.

Play musicIn a public place has a cost that you should include in your loads.If you wish to have more information, please inquire with the SACEM to know all the procedures for broadcasting.The platforms ofLight -free musicare increasingly used because they allow you to have a fairly important musical choice and is profitable for your business.Thanks to this solution you will have access to an important music of music for your hair salon.